Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall and Fooball Season

I can't believe how quickly September flew by. Besides football it was a pretty un-eventful month. The first weekend OU played in Texas so Mike and Casey went down to watch. I would have loved to go but it was so close to our NY trip and we had other stuff to do that day. In the morning I went down to OKC for my oldest niece, Alyssa's 4th birthday party at the zoo. She wanted her cousins to come, but Max was still just too new to make it, but I did get to pick up McClain from his Grammy Shannon's (she was babysitting since M&C were at the game) and he came with me to the party. Here is a pic of the birthday girl with her cake and one of McClain and Alania sharing a wagon ride.

That night I went to my old friend Kristin's wedding.....where I did not take any pictures for some reason! She was a gorgeous bride and I always get really excited about weddings since I haven't been to many; this was only the 2nd one I've gone to that I wasn't in!

I always hate to see summer go, but luckily Sooner football makes the transition from sunny days to frigid nights a bit easier. There is always a game to get me excited! Here is a pic of me, Casey and Amy at our tailgate. This was the SECOND home game for the Sooners. There were definitely no pictures taken at the first home game of the year considering it was pouring and miserable for the entire day! Well--miserable except that we won and winning is always good!

So, there's my September wrap-up. October will be here before I know it which means my birthday is coming up-- it's actually a week from Friday! I'm not all that excited about turning 24, I'm actually feeling quite indifferent. Seems like there aren't many birthdays to look forward to after 21, but none the less I intend to celebrate! October should be a quite eventful month with birthday celebrations, lots of football including OU/TX weekend and then the annual Master's Halloween Party to wrap up the month. Hopefully I'll do better and get more than 2 posts in throughout the month.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So I'm a Bad Blogger: An August Update

I was informed today of 10 reasons I'm a terrible blogger, thanks to Casey, and I've got to say they were pretty valid reasons. However one reason was that I don't have kids stuck to me while I'm at home..I beg to differ! As I'm typing this Norman is wallering all over me, wedged between my arm and the keyboard. He is fascinated by the moving text...think he may pounce on the screen at anyminute.
Anyway... August was a pretty huge month for us. We celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 2nd. I can't seem to find the pic of our cake we thawed out for the occasion, so here's one of the whole thing. I didn't get to taste it at our wedding (except for what Jon smeared in my face) but I'm hoping it was significantly better a year ago. I'm not a huge cake fan, but it was pretty dry.

The next weekend Jon and I went to NYC for a little vacay, but mainly to see the Yankees play Boston. Here are a few pics of trip highlights.

^^Here we were taking a bicycle cab ride through Central Park. We went at the perfect time of evening and the weather was beautiful. Definitely one of my favorite things we did in our short visit.

These next few are pictures from the game we went to. I got Jon the tickets for Valentine's day so this trip was long awaited. We went to the Friday night game which was scoreless into the bottom of the 15th inning when A-Rod hit a 2 run walkoff homer to end it! It was a great game, and by far my favorite part of the trip. Safe to say it was Jon's favorite part too.

I love this one with the buildings in the background.

We made friends with these soon-to-be newlywed New Yorkers who sat next to us. They were too funny!

It's an A-Bomb by A-Rod!!! Check out that scoreboard!

Taking that trip was definitely a much needed distraction from the horrible anticipation we were experiencing waiting to move into our new house the very next weekend. Don't get me wrong--I am MORE than thankful for my family letting us stay with them for the last nearly six months but I was dieing to move into our new house! Here is a picture of the outside, it may not be too big or too fancy but for us it is just perfect!! My favorite thing is that everything is so new and CLEAN!

Yes, August was an extremely busy month so I'm sure you can see why I might not have had all that much time to blog. While unfortunately I did not find a teaching job for this year, all in all I can't complain because we had a pretty good month. We've been moved in the house almost three weeks, and if you know me at all you know that I pretty much have everything in its place already. I took a break from doing extra stuff last week but now I'm on a hunt for decorations! I've got in mind exactly what I want, just looking for the best places to get it. I don't do pictures of things--really just people. So that leaves me with mirrors and, my obsession, letters and words! I've got the perfect quote for a vinyl wall decal and I also want to get a monogram one for our black and white guest bathroom. I'm trying to find some 12'' wood letters that I can paint for our kitchen, so if anyone knows good places for me to get any of this let me know!
With a few weeks of settling in out of the way I'm back in gear and ready for my normal busy life again! Good thing, because this weekend will be consumed with my niece Alyssa's 4th birthday party at the zoo and my friend Kristin's wedding! Oh, and of course FOOTBALL SEASON starts!!!! I am itching for next weekend to be at the first home game of the year! This will be my first year back in the season ticket seats with the family rather than the student section, so I'm sure I'll be a little sad when I look down and realize I'm officially old! Well, this is all for now....if you're even still reading. I will do my best not to get so far behind for my next post. :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

$Dalla, Dalla Billz, yall$

Seems like life is pretty much constantly driven by money in some way. I have to work this weekend so that means I got a day off this week, so I picked today. Some might take the oppotunity on a rainy morning to sleep in, however I still got up when Jon did so I could pack his lunch and make sure he was wearing ironed clothes. Yes, he's my husband, not my child but turns out they are quite similar! Anyway, I spent the better half of the morning calling schools trying to get a teaching job. Unfortunately the only ones hiring for my area of certification are at least 30 min. away. Still, not too far for me to drive if it means making more money and doing what I want to do in life. There is only about a week left to try to get something--I'm not giving up quite yet!

My car has been acting up lately--dieing out of nowhere and shifting jerky, so I took it in to the shop today. On the way there it died while in attempt to make a left turn, lucky for me I was holding up a triple A guy behind me, so he got out and helped me get going again! I'm sure he was sufficiently entertained by the little fit he witnessed me throwing as he approached my window. Finally, I got to the shop.I went in with an optimistic attitude--too much has been difficult for us lately, surely my car's problem would be simple, right? WRONG!!! Turns out the computer in it is going out, AND for the poop icing on the cake of crap--My car takes the most expensive type of computer the mechanic has ever had to get! With our upcoming trip to NYC and closing on our house soon this really couldn't have come at a worse time.

So this is the only picture I have of my car...
After that my day took a turn for the better. My brother and Casey came to rescue me from the shop and I got to go pick up my older nephew McClain from daycare. Tonight Casey and the boys came over to our house--which is really mom & dad's-- and I couldn't help but be in a better mood, who could with an infant to cuddle and a toddler to play with?? Here are a few pics from our night.

McClain was doing his classic "silly" face.

Playing airplane with Uncle Jon. I LOVE this smile!

Me & Max, he's sooo sweet I just want to squeeze him...But I wont!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hello, Hello!

After spending a lot of time reading the blogs of others, being surprisingly interested in even the lives of complete strangers, I've decided to create my own, so here goes! I have a few reasons for starting this thing up. 1. I'm a writer, I even went to school for it, which I'm pretty sure makes me a professional, and if you don't agree I'll show you one of my published pieces. 2. Since I chose a career path that no longer involve me doing a great deal of writing, I need somewhere to practice, and what better for me to write about than myself? 3. I love journaling, unfortunately I type so much more often than I write, when I try to put a pen to paper I either get a hand cramp, fall asleep, or it becomes practically un-ledgible. I want to have somewhere to document simple happenings of daily life., so even if everyone else finds my posts totally boring, at least I'll have them here to look back at. Jon and I's first year married went by so quickly I hardly remember anything, and I definitely think these are the times I'll want to remember. I've noticed most people include pictures in their posts, which does make them more interesting. I'll try to include them, but I'm awful at uploading pics from my camera, so no promises.