Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Awesomeness of the Uneventful

Never in my life have I ever been so excited to have nothing to be excited about. This--is the life. I'm loving the mundane. For the first time in years there are no big changes occurring. Jon and I are both settled in our careers, which is great for so many reasons. One being we will actually keep the same health insurance for more than six months, now that's something to celebrate. (mainly bc I hate clutter and those policies they send in the big packets take up so much room the drawer of "Stuff we have to have but will most likely never need" drawer). We are settled in our home, and plan to stay put for quite some time. Yes, our life is pretty ordinary and I couldn't be more content.

Content, but not at all complacent.

There is definitely something refreshing about having nothing to look forward to. Yes, I realize that sounds like the most depressing thing ever to some. But it's nice to not be so focused on reaching a goal that you forget to enjoy the present. (college, semester by semester, wedding, house, jobs, etc. these things are exhausting for a perfectionist!) I am sucking up every bit of good that life has to offer, I mean it. Because, why not? I'm not a 'slow paced' kind of chick. I like to be busy, but lately I'm busy with things I enjoy. I get up, go to a job that could not be more rewarding, I get off at a decent hour, so I still have energy to run errands, or go to class at the gym, I make dinner, we eat, we relax. Boring, right? Weekends are filled with more and more nights in rather than out. My perfect Saturday? Sleep til 8, maybe workout or run around with my B-fri, let my husband sleep because that's what he digs, clean house, and on the weekends I'm really lucky I get to play with maybe all 4 members of my 5&under club. Depending on my mood I sometimes like to go out, but other times its just nice to stay in. Dull. Dull. Dull. But shockingly, especially to ME, I am loving it.

It is times like this, however, that the Charlie Brown in me creeeeps out. No, I don't morph into an orange-wearing cartoon baldy. That quote from Chuck ... Oh, I can't remember how exactly it goes but something about not letting yourself be too happy when things are good for fear that life will get bad. As sun-shiny as I typically am about life, there is a pessimistic worry wort deep down that says "Why do you think you get to be this happy? You're no more special than the people who experience great tragedy, yours is comin". Terrible, right?!? Go away, Chuck!

Yes, I need to work on that. But that is one character flaw I'm willing to embrace at the moment. Because I have it pretty good and I've got SO much to be thankful for. I will not take any of it for granted and I will not choose to focus on the silly imperfections. And they're there. But that's life, and if you consistently opt for allowing yourself to zone in on the negatives that's exactly what you'll get, a negative outlook. Ew, who wants that? Sooo drama, no thanks! :) Now I'm thinking I'll probably publish this post (I blog periodically but rarely publish), and share it with FB friends, obvs. :) Not so everyone can read about how great life is for me, but so that maybe someone who needs a pick-me-up can choose to focus on the 'great' in their life, too.