Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Spring Break Glass is 1/2 Full

Today marks day 5, the official "hump day" of Spring Break. I'm opting for the optimist's view on the week and not thinking of it as that there are mearly 2 days left of the week, then it's a regular 'ol weekend and work comes Monday. Now by some people's standards my break has been lame, boring and sad because I didn't take an exciting trip. My standards say if the last half is as good as the first I can't wait to get up tomorrow. Let's begin with Monday. What started as a lazy Regis & Kelly over --you guessed it-- cereal, morning, followed by a little L and T (my Spring Break agenda was filled with days of GTL) turned into a sponteanous little crafty trip. Aubrey, my BF4L, aka Bfri aka has too many akas to keep on...yeah her and I went to use an expiring Groupon and painted some pottery at Color Me Mine.

I made measuring cups...because I don't have scoopy ones like these. They'll be bright red when they're ready...I know you're dieing to see the "after" pic. Trust, it's coming. Aub made a coffee mug. ~~~>

We don't get out much together for anything other than dinner or shopping so this was a fun friend date. Not that we need to go anywhere to have fun...which brings me to Tuesday night. Lizzie Bre is the kind of friend you have the most fun with when you're not trying. Just sitting at home being ourselves, conveniently for us, we happen to think we are need-our-own-reality-show-HILARIOUS! Promise, we'd have you bustin' a gut. I just went over to use her tanning bed (Gettin in that T, GTL, guys)...and somehow this happened. ...

I don't know how funny anyone else might think I am for randomly concocting this costume from crap I found in her car, but this girl is my BFF because I can count on her to deliver a boisterious cackel to affirm my hilarity. (P.S. If you are thinking we're dumb feel free to get the H outta here!)

Ohh did I forget to mention that Monday I stopped by mom's on my way to G and got to play with THIS little nugget

Forgive my thumb and knee in the picture. I was trying to balance the toddler for a game of airplane and capture his sweet little grin with my crappy phone camera. You get the point.

Big brother was asleep so we got some good one on one time. Not to worry because the very next day Max took a nap so I could play with McClain alone when they were visiting at my house. My favorite line of Tuesday's visit was this sweet one liner from Mc after he was released from a brutal 3 min. timeout "I love you, Fartahead". Melts an aunt's heart. Fartahead. Where's he come up with this stuff?

So yeah, not a bad SB2011 thus far for this girl. There are obviously a few things that need to happen for it to be complete; for example, a St. Patrick's Day celebration to celebrate the one heritage I'm sure I've got in me, also I'm going to need to go see my girls (this weekend so Uncle Jon can see them too) and meet my new dog-niece Miss Sophie. I won't spoil the next post by divulging all my 2nd half SB plans just yet, but I'm excited.

I was taken a little off guard when I entered my kitchen and found "Steggy" Staring at me this afternoon. Looks like he won't be getting pinched tomorrow for forgetting his green. That'll make two of us.

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